Success Stories
The University of Virginia's Foundations of Business Strategy has complemented my current job function performing Enterprise Architecture. My work experience mainly dealt with an Information Technology perspective and now I have gained more skills to understand the Business of an enterprise and how Business Strategy influences IT.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are here to help you get the training you want to advance your career.- What are Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)?
- MOOCs are free online courses from universities and other institutions from all around the world. Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, MIT, University of Melbourne and Peking University are just a few examples of particpating institutions from around the world that offer courses to you. MOOC provider platforms including Coursera, Udacity, EdX, and NovoEd have partnered with universities and professors to offer MOOCs on their platforms.
- Are MOOCs free?
- The vast majority of MOOCs are freely available, however there are some institutions that do charge a fee to take a course.
- What university level courses can I study as a MOOC?
- There is a wide variety of subjects that can be taken as a MOOC from numerous global institutions. You will find courses on subjects such as Psychology, Finance, Economics, Computer Science, Engineering, Music Theory, Programming, Medicine, Law and many more. New courses and subjects are being added each semester so be sure to register a free account with us to stay informed of the most current course offerings.
- How do I register for a MOOC?
- Simply click on the Register Now button for the course you would like to study. You will be navigated directly to the course provider's website where you can complete the registration process.
- I live in Australia and I see that a course is tagged as United States. Can I register for a course not in my own country?
- Yes. That is one of the exciting benefits of taking a MOOC! They are open to everyone around the world.
- Do I get a certificate of completion for my MOOC?
- This is an option that varies by institution however most institutions will provide you with a signed certificate of completion for a nominal fee.